Classic hemorrhoidal resection (Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy)
During a hemorrhoidectomy, one or more of the hemorrhoids (piles) are removed under general/loco-regional anesthesia.
See surgical procedure: hemorrhoid (pile) resection / hemorrhoidectomy
Anopexy, suspension of hemorrhoids (piles) (hemorrhoidopexy according to Longo)
When performing a hemorrhoidopexy (according to Longo), the hemorrhoids are pulled up into the anal canal under general/loco-regional anesthesia, so that they no longer bulge out during bowel movements.
See surgical procedure : Hemorrhoidopexy
Radio frequency / laser treatment of hemorrhoids
A radio frequency or laser fibre is inserted at the base of hemorrhoids. The heat from the fibre will destroy and seal blood vessels of the hemorrhoidal package, shrink the hemorrhoids in volume and reduce the risk of bleeding.
See surgical procedure: Radiofrequence ablation of hemorrhoids